Friday, 4 December 2015

Thirteenth week

This week was very good! We didn't have class on Monday and we did many awesome things this days. In Web Design and Art we continued working in our prototype and in Woodwork and Business we did posters for our sale project.
In English and History we worked in our blogs and in our character of the 1916's revolution in Ireland. In Languages we continued watching the film Untouchables and we did some activities about Silent Discos. In Science we learned something about genes and your own body characteristics.
In Home Economics we did a Christmas cake!!! It was amazing, we used a lot of ingredients like butter, chocolate, marshmallows, biscuits, syrup, cherries...
First, we mixed the butter, the chocolate and the syrup, we melted that and we put the other things like the marshmallows, the biscuits and the cherries.
Now we have to keep it in the fridge until the next week, that we will decorate it.
In Drama we represented some situations and we did some games. In Maths we explained our projects about civilizations and the mathematicians and important mathematicians, mine was Fermat.
In P.E. we finished our coaching Course and we played Badminton and in Careers we talked about a employer skills.
Finally in Religion we talked about the situation in Syria.
On Friday of that week, we worked all the day in the reception of the school.


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Twelfth week

This week was one of the best weeks of all the year. On Monday and Tuesday we did the First Aid Course, (I did a post about it) so we continued with normal classes on Wednesday.
In Home Economics we did a Baked Chicken and Broccoli that was very tasty and I enjoy it very much. In Drama we did games about theatre, so we saw how the people starts in that world.
In Languages we did a work about a film or a book that we have saw or read recently and in Science we worked in our family tree.
In SPHE we talked about differents aspects of the Transition Year and in Maths we continued work in Statistics.
In P.E. we did touch ball and volleyball, in English we worked in our blogs and in Art we continued our prototypes of a giant shuttlecork.
In Religion we talked about the war and the situation in Syria and those countries that have a very bad situation right now and in Careers we corrected the work experience diaries of each others.
Finally on Friday we worked all the day in the secretary of the school and I have to say that it was a very good experience because it was like work in a real office, we attended calls, did a lot of works and we also write down message for the teachers. It was a great day!!!!

Friday, 27 November 2015

First Aid Course

On Monday and Tuesday of the 12th week we had our First Aid Course. We used all the classes of both days to it and we learned a lot of useful things.
On Monday, we arrived in room 3, and a man called Brian told us the introduction of the course. After that we started to learn things like the concept of First Aid, the types of bandages and how use them, the definition of shock, trauma, burn...
The first day was the theorist information, but we learned very interesting thing like how save someone from chocking.

The second day was the best. We were in the hall with a lot of masks, mannequins and defibrillators.
We saw some videos of incredible rescues of people in the beach or people who are working and they have a heart attack.

After that we practiced with the mannequins to do CPR, breathing reanimations... Many interesting things that we will have to use in the future.
Finally, we did the of 20 questions about all that we have learned that two days and the teacher told us that he will give us the results at the end of the year. After that we returned home.
Here there are some videos and pictures of our experience.



Sunday, 22 November 2015

Open day and the eleventh week

In the eleventh week, all the classes of the school were doing exams, except us. In that week we worked and finished all our projects like the diary of our work experience or our Fairtrade Project for Religion. We also did many works for the teachers and the staff of the school.
On Thursday of that week we had the Open Day.
In the Open Day we decorated all the corridors with posters, flags... And we did a open mic night with musical acts.
As well, we show in each class the things that the different courses were doing, and we had a class for Transition Year. In Science was Second Year, in Home Economics, Sixth Year and in the Woodwork room there were a lot of projects of different classes.
The Principal talked also about the school, the projects... And finally a famous hurling player came and we took pictures with him.
We also met all our classmates, it was a very good day!!



Friday, 13 November 2015

Tenth week

This week passed very fast! After this week there is only one month left until I come back to my country.
This week in history we continued learning abou characters of the 1916's revolution, I had speak about Rabindranath Tagore in my group.
In Languages we continued watching the film ''Intouchables'' and in Careers we tried to finish the diary of our work experience.
In Woodwork we continued with our project of Christmas decorations and in Math and SPHE we continued learning about statistics.
In Geography we talked about steriotypes in men and women, in Web Design we continued our blogs and in Engineering and Art we started to work in the prototypes of our project, my group is doing a giant shuttlecork.
In Science we did some posters and we cleaned the Science class and in Home Economics we continued our seafood program.
In Drama we rode some Irish scripts and in P.E. we continued our coaching course and we did badminton.
Finally, in Religion we continued our work of Fairtrade.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Shoebox Appeal

Some weeks ago a woman come to our class to explain us the Shoebox  Appeal project. It consists in buy some things related to the four ''w''. We have to buy things for the children to wash, write, wear and something ''wow''. That is a surprise for the kids like a toy, a Teddy Bear or some sweets.
When the woman was gone we had one week to buy all the materials for the boxes and give it to the teacher in time with some money (4 euros) for correspondence.

Another days we worked in the Shoebox Appeal in SPHE. We had to check all the shoeboxes and see if they had all the things required ( something to wash, something to write...)
Finally, some days ago they come to take all the shoebox and said us thank you, and that day we where very happy because we know that we have made happy a lot of kids.

Finally, I'm going to leave here a video about the shoebox appeal project. Good Bye!

Friday, 6 November 2015

Ninth week

This week we did a lot of things!
In History an English we learned something about the revolution of 1916 in Ireland and we had to choose a character of that period to do a researching about it.

In Languages we started to watch the movie "Untouchables", and in Careers we continued the diary of our Work Experience.
In Woodwork and Business we worked in our projects and in Maths we continued learning about Statistics.
In Geography, we were learning about the Hunger and the poverty.
In Web Design we continued our blogs and in Art we started to do a prototype of a giant shuttlecock, that is the idea of my group.

In Science we worked in a pin wheel and in Home Economics we started our Safe Food program. In Drama we finished to read the theatre piece: "An inspector calls" and in Religion we started a new project about trade market.
Finally, in P.E. we started a Couching Course and we played touch ball.