Friday, 4 December 2015

Thirteenth week

This week was very good! We didn't have class on Monday and we did many awesome things this days. In Web Design and Art we continued working in our prototype and in Woodwork and Business we did posters for our sale project.
In English and History we worked in our blogs and in our character of the 1916's revolution in Ireland. In Languages we continued watching the film Untouchables and we did some activities about Silent Discos. In Science we learned something about genes and your own body characteristics.
In Home Economics we did a Christmas cake!!! It was amazing, we used a lot of ingredients like butter, chocolate, marshmallows, biscuits, syrup, cherries...
First, we mixed the butter, the chocolate and the syrup, we melted that and we put the other things like the marshmallows, the biscuits and the cherries.
Now we have to keep it in the fridge until the next week, that we will decorate it.
In Drama we represented some situations and we did some games. In Maths we explained our projects about civilizations and the mathematicians and important mathematicians, mine was Fermat.
In P.E. we finished our coaching Course and we played Badminton and in Careers we talked about a employer skills.
Finally in Religion we talked about the situation in Syria.
On Friday of that week, we worked all the day in the reception of the school.


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Twelfth week

This week was one of the best weeks of all the year. On Monday and Tuesday we did the First Aid Course, (I did a post about it) so we continued with normal classes on Wednesday.
In Home Economics we did a Baked Chicken and Broccoli that was very tasty and I enjoy it very much. In Drama we did games about theatre, so we saw how the people starts in that world.
In Languages we did a work about a film or a book that we have saw or read recently and in Science we worked in our family tree.
In SPHE we talked about differents aspects of the Transition Year and in Maths we continued work in Statistics.
In P.E. we did touch ball and volleyball, in English we worked in our blogs and in Art we continued our prototypes of a giant shuttlecork.
In Religion we talked about the war and the situation in Syria and those countries that have a very bad situation right now and in Careers we corrected the work experience diaries of each others.
Finally on Friday we worked all the day in the secretary of the school and I have to say that it was a very good experience because it was like work in a real office, we attended calls, did a lot of works and we also write down message for the teachers. It was a great day!!!!